Fogler CPA: Fostering Community Growth Through Giving

Collaborative Community Initiatives

At Fogler CPA, our commitment goes beyond numbers. We firmly believe in giving back to the community that has nurtured and supported us. Our philanthropic mission is a testament to this belief, with a focus on fostering positive change and uplifting those in need.

We support several community organizations, either through free or reduced cost accounting services, or though direct donation.  At Fogler CPA we believe in supporting the community.  

If you have a not for profit and would like to see if Fogler CPA can support you, please reach out and we would be glad to discuss your options.  

A special thanks to Matt Fogler and Fogler CPA for supporting The Gathering Inn and its mission to inspire hope and walk alongside those experiencing homelessness on their journey to sustainable housing.
Darlene Cullivan
Chief Philanthropy Officer, The Gathering Inn

At Fogler CPA, our commitment to the community extends beyond our professional services. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and support to drive positive change and uplift those around us. With immense pride, we highlight our ongoing support and collaboration with esteemed community organizations that resonate with our values:

  • The Gathering Inn: Through dedicated services and compassion, The Gathering Inn exemplifies a mission we deeply respect. We are honored to support their endeavor in providing shelter and resources to those in need.

  • Placer Food Bank: Ensuring that every individual has access to basic nourishment is a cause close to our hearts. Our alliance with Placer Food Bank reinforces our commitment to combating hunger and ensuring food security in our community.

  • William Jessup University: Recognizing the pivotal role of education in shaping the future, we are proud supporters of William Jessup University. Together, we aim to foster an environment of growth, learning, and opportunity for students.

  • The Community Empowerment Group: Their enduring legacy of aiding those in distress, whether through shelter, food, or rehabilitation, resonates deeply with our ethos.

Our partnerships and support initiatives are a testament to our unwavering commitment to the community. Together, with these remarkable organizations, we aim to make a tangible difference in the lives of many.

Fogler CPA: United in Purpose, Driven by Community.

Your Role in Our Mission

Our clients and partners play an integral part in our philanthropic endeavors:

  • Feedback and Suggestions: We are always eager to hear from you about potential community projects or causes that align with our mission.

  • Joint Initiatives: We warmly invite our clients to join hands with us in various community outreach programs, amplifying our collective impact.

Learn more about how we can support your organization

As community needs evolve, so does our mission. We are perpetually reviewing and enhancing our philanthropic strategies to maximize positive impact.

Fogler CPA Accountancy Firm: Where Accuracy Meets Efficiency.